Saturday, December 26, 2009
Avoiding a Japanese Decade
Monday, December 21, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
mind playin tricks on me rap
Staring at candles
Oh that shit is on? heh
Let me drop some shit like this here
Real smooth
Verse one: scarface
At night I can't sleep, I toss and turn
Candle sticks in the dark, visions of bodies being burned
Four walls just staring at a nigga
I'm paranoid, sleeping with my finger on the trigger
My mother's always stressing I ain't living right
But I ain't going out without a fight
See, everytime my eyes close
I start sweatin, and blood starts comin out my nose
It's somebody watchin' the ak'
But I don't know who it is, so I'm watchin my back
I can see him when I'm deep in the covers
When I awake I don't see the motherfucker
He owns a black hat like I own
A black suit and a cane like my own
Some might say "take a chill, b"
But fuck that shit, there's a nigga trying to kill me
I'm pumping in the clip when the wind blows
Every twenty seconds got me peeping out my window
Investigating the joint for traps
Checking my telephone for taps
I'm staring at the woman on the corner
It's fucked up when your mind is playing tricks on you
I make big money, I drive big cars
Everybody know me, it's like I'm a movie star
But late at night, somethin ain't right
I feel I'm being tailed by the same sucker's head lights
Is it that fool that I ran off the block
Or is it that nigga last week that I shot
Or is it the one I beat for five thousand dollars
Thought he had 'caine but it was gold medal flour
Reach under my seat, grabbed my popper for the suckers
Ain't no use to be lying, I was scareder than a motherfucker
But they're laughing at pow pies and buried that quick
If it's going down let's get this shit over with
Here they come, just like I figured
I got my hand on the motherfucking trigger
What I saw'll make your ass start giggling
Three black, crippled and crazy senior citizens
I live by the sword
I take my boys everywhere I go
Because I'm paranoid
I keep looking over my shoulder and peeping around corners
My mind is playing tricks on me
Day by day it's more impossible to cope
I feel like I'm the one that's doing dope
Can't keep a steady hand because I'm nervous
Every sunday morning I'm in service
Playing for forgiveness
And trying to find an exit out of the business
I know the lord is looking at me
But yet and still it's hard for me to feel happy
I often drift while I drive
Havin fatal thoughts of suicide
Bang and get it over with
And then I'm worry-free, but that's bullshit
I got a little boy to look after
And if I died then my child would be a bastard
I had a woman down with me
But to me it seemed like she was down to get me
She helped me out in this shit
But to me she was just another bitch
Now she's back with her mother
Now I'm realizing that I love her
Now I'm feeling lonely
My mind is playing tricks on me
This year halloween fell on a weekend
Me and geto boyz are trick-or-treating
Robbing little kids for bags
Till an old man got behind our ass
So we speeded up the pace
Took a look back and he was right before our face
We'd be in for a squab' no doubt
So I swung and hit the nigga in his mouth
He was going down, we figured
But this was no ordinary nigga
He stood about six or seven feet
Now, that's the nigga I'd been seeing in my sleep
So we triple-teamed on him
Dropping them motherfuckin b's on him
The more I swung the more blood flew
Then he disappeared and my boys disappeared, too
Then I felt just like a fiend
It wasn't even close to halloween
It was dark as fuck on the streets
My hands were all bloody from punching on the concrete
God damn, homie
My mind is playing tricks on me
Fitting Prosthetic Limbs, via a Computer
This article speaks of how a doctor is trying to find a way to make prosthetic limbs better 4 the disable.using the resoucres they have they will try their best to make the disabled feel normal.
i find this atricle to be a good read cause it not only is puttng money and time to good use it s helping every 1 in the process
Sunday, December 13, 2009
These anger quotes put the light on these aspects of a person’s thoughts. These highlight a negative emotional reaction associated with other bad feelings such as fear, disgust, shame, irritability, outrage, hostility and possibly even violence.
These tell us that actions resulting from anger often have negative consequences, because the anger in us intensifies our impulsive action and clouds our rational thought process.
Anybody can become angry, that is easy; but to be angry with the right person, and to the right degree, and at the right time, and for the right purpose, and in the right way, that is not within everybody's power, that is not easy.
absulte value

THIS SYMBOL |x| denotes the absolute value of x, which is the number without its sign. |+3| = 3. |−3| = 3.
The following is the purely algebraic definition of |x|:
If x ≥ 0, then |x| = x; if x < 0, then |x| = −x.
Geometrically, |x| is the distance of x from 0.
Both 3 and −3 are a distance of 3 units from 0. |3| = |−3| = 3. Distance, in mathematics, is never negative.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
sad poems
These sad poems came to me over the course of several years of unhappiness. I had no clue where I was going in life or what will happen even tomorrow. This poetry helped me through the rough parts of life.
Sadness has overcome us all. Either caused by a relative or close friend's death or from the girl who broke our heart. We all handle situations differently, some good, some bad. But what makes us who we are is not defined by our times of happiness, but by our times of sadness.
Emotions sometime cause us to become angry at a situation. Our mind causes us to become angry with others and release our despair.
Depression is the worst of all sadness. We are hurt so bad that we stop eating, sleeping, hanging out with friends and sometimes even turn to suicide. Our worst nightmare came true and we can't find a way out.
Monday, November 30, 2009
The weather site

ever had 1 of those days when u go outside and it rains.but u didn't know have no fear the weather site is here. this site had been a helpful aspect 4 many Americans in helping them in their morning rushes. i propose that u go on this site when u need to know the weather near you.

Well to day i just found the another site and it is called ebay i find this site as a mall 4 which every1 can go to. this site is quite a trip through the world it gives u deals on all the hottest stuff all around the world.i even bought something from ebay, it was a yo-yo and well it was awesome.i rec-amend every 1 going to this site.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
The fundamental ideas of alchemy are said to have arisen in the ancient Persian Empire. Alchemy has been practiced in Mesopotamia (comprising much of today's Iraq), Egypt, Persia (today's Iran), India, China, Japan, Korea and in Classical Greece and Rome, in the Muslim civilizations, and then in Europe up to the 20th century, in a complex network of schools and philosophical systems spanning at least 2500 years.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I come to you to day with a new web link its camvista.yup i bet none of yall heard of this so go to the link cause the whole point of this site is to give u facts and a digital guide of the country u want to see. if u want to go where ever you get a head start on it first.i personally don't think this site will be of much use to me cause it spoils the surprise of even going to the country. but if you want to go and learn about another country then go a head hand enjoy the beauty of another country.then go haed

I just found myself watching another one of theses weblinks cause whats the point.this latest one is ok.This web link gives u a digital tour of Africa and the things that inhabit it.This site is a digital encyclopedia on everything African.this sites not only gives u a guide it also gives u an actual video of nature at work.well there isn't much for me to say and i don't want to spoil your surprise so go there and have some fun.
Justin Bieber Breaks His Foot and Lives to Tweet About It

Today a read an article about a young pop star who fracture his ankle and is still here to tell us the story.I find this story to be not so interesting cause it doesn't give you much details about him.and he fell down a ramp back stage at a taylor swift concert.and hes an usher protégé more like an usher knock off the best thing to do is not read this crap.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
facts on china
fourth largest Country in the World. Shanghai and Beijing are two of the largest and most populous cities in the world.
* At least 14 countries and 4 seas border China . Since the country is so large, climate is extremely varied it is sub arctic in the North and Tropical in the South.
* The population of China according to a July 2006 estimate is 1,313,973,713. It is officially the most populated country in the world. The Chinese Government has adopted a "one child" policy in an effort to curb the high numbers. Unfortunately this also makes China one of the fastest aging countries .
* China has an obligatory Military service of 2 years for all men between 18 and 22. Women of the same age group are also recruited for specific military jobs.
* The Han Chinese is the largest majority group in China. Mandarin Chinese is the o fficial language . However in total, 55 official minorities and 206 listed languages are mentioned.
* The Jen Min Jih Pao or People's Daily is the largest official publication .
* The Tienanmen Square is the world's largest public gathering place and the Three Gorges Dam is the biggest dam.
Weapons All Around Us
Monday, November 16, 2009
dirty harry
I need a gun to keep myself from harm
The poor people are burning in the sun
But they ain't got a chance
They ain't got a chance
I need a gun
Cos all I do is dance
Cos all I do is dance
I need a gun to keep myself from harm
The poor people are burning in the sun
No, they ain't got a chance
They ain't got a chance
I need a gun
Cos all I do is dance
Cos all I do is dance
In my backpack
I got my act right
In case you act quite difficult
And your resolve weaken
With anger and discontent
Some are seeking and searching like Nimoy
I'm a peace-loving decoy
Ready for retaliation
I change the whole occasion to a pine box six-under
Impulsive don't ask why or wonder
Orders given to me is:
strike and I'm thunder with lightning fast reflexes on constant alert
from the constant hurt that seems limitless with no dropping pressure
Seems like everybody's out to test ya
'til they see your break
You can't conceal the hate
That consumes you
I'm the reason why you fill up your Isuzu
Chill with your old lady at the tilt
I got a 90 days visit
And I'm filled with guilt
From things that I've seen
Your water's from a bottle
mine's from a canteen
At night I hear the shots
Ring so I'm a light sleeper
The cost of life,
it seems to get cheaper
out in the desert
with my street sweeper
The war is over
So said the speaker with the flight suit on
Maybe to him I'm just a pawn
So he can advance
Remember when I used to dance
Man, all I want to do is dance
I need a gun to keep myself from harm
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Weapons All Around Us
Sunday, November 8, 2009
blue train
Kimi ga haku kotoba wa
Itetsuku omoi de mune wo sasu kokoro ga
Tome donai aosa no ikisaki wa
Yume kara sameta you na ima
Kizu dake fusai demo afureru omoi wa
Kimi ga iu “RIARU” to ka
Kotoba ja yasui sa
Yume no nai bokura no ikisaki wa
Yume kara sameta you na ima
Koko de
Muki dashi de hashiru yuu
Ibitsu na REERU jou wo korogaru you ni
“Dokomade?” kimi wa iu
Sore sura kiete naku natte shimau made
Aa, haruka tooku
Wake mo naku tada tsuduku shousou
Muki dashi de hashiru yuu
Ibitsu na REERU jou wo korogaru you ni
Hibi ni hisomu yuuutsu
Sore sura kiete naku natte shimau made
Sunday, November 1, 2009
there was no red light
I never saw it coming
Smash, Crash, Mash, Bash
The car spun around Over, Over, and Over again
Top was top, bottom was bottom
I will never be the same
There was no surgeries that kept me living
It was our not so new car
But the scars won't let me forget
The accident that changed everything
Monday, October 26, 2009
M.J was who he was

After watching "This is it" i can say Michael Jackson is a creative and amazing person.The video is short but informative.It show us m.J latest idea. I serious never heard something this odd but amazing idea is out of the ordinary and that's what make M.j the king of pop.this may be short but m.J is a great man who never stood down. he showed the world that there is more to life.In conclusion no 1 can compare to m.j not elvis or jay-z. M.J willalways be a 1 of a kind
Sunday, October 25, 2009
afureru namida ga shitataru mabushisa de boku wo nazoru kara
My dry lips are exposed to the frozen sun,
my overflowing tears drip as they glitter and trace down my face…
tarinai kasho wo tada umeau youni kimi wo motometeita
fureau yubi ni tsutawaru setsunasa dake wo kakiatsumete
To simply make up for my insufficient place, I kept searching for you.
I gathered this inherited pain into my trembling finger.
kodou no oku ni kazasu negai wo
sadame to iu nara
nokosareta kioku to nakushita kimi no omokage ga
ima mo okizari no mama…
This wish I hold deep within my heart,
if it’s called Destiny,
the memories left behind and your face I’ve lost,
will still continue to be deserted…
kasukana toiki to furueru manazashi ni yurameite
kosureru tamashi no me wo saru kirameki ga futari wo tsutsunde
I hesitate in my faint breath and wavering gaze…
The sparkle piercing the eye of our grated souls embraces us both.
deawanakereba kidzukeau koto sae mo nakatta no kana?
mogareta hane no itami ni yorisoi nagara sotto nemurou
If we didn’t meet, would we have hurt each other?
As we cuddle in the pain of our broken wings, let’s gently go to sleep…
modorenai kara kaerenai kara
inochi wo karashite
toozakaru ano hi to nakusu bakari no kono ude ga
kimi no nukumori ni kogarete…
Because I can’t return…because I can’t go back,
I give up my life…
That distant day and these hands that loses everything
yearn for your warmth…
dare mo ga chigau samishisa machi yotte asu wo hoshigaru kedo
kimi ga mezashita kegarena kiso no tsuyosa de boku wo kowashite
Everyone holds their own sadness, they wish for a future but
what you wanted was to break me with the strenght of a defiled base.
koe ni dekizu ni taeta inori wo
sadame to nadzukete
nokozareta kioku to nakushita kimi no omokage ga
ueta kono mune ni ima mo okizari no mama…
Without saying it, I stopped my prayers
and inscribed into them the name of Destiny.
The memories left behind and your face I’ve lost,
continue to be deserted within my starved heart…
this is the second song i spoke about b4 and here is where u can hear the song
the lyrics i sent are also translated to english
Believe it or not but these are the lyrics to 1 of my great song
you can hear the song here
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
These very friends; our food had been eating.
Those who were very close to us and our relations;
Now, have decided to change their stations.
Those for whom we bore the brunt of neglect,
Are today, pessimism personified and perfect.
For those who we gave up half our lives;
The result was just a bundle of knives.
How we regret the day we met,
Today, we just regret & regret.
However, we did learn one thing;
Friendship is not the song that everyone can sing.
Read more like these on the poetry website
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Asia is the world's largest and most populous continent, located in the eastern and northern hemisphere. It covers 8.6% of the earths total surface area (or 29.9% of its land area) and with approximately 4 billion people, it hosts 60% of the world's current human population.
Asia is traditionally defined as part of the land mass of Eurasia — with the western portion of the latter occupied by Europe located to the east of the Suez Canal, east of the Ural Mountains and south of the Caucasus Mountains (or the Kuma-Manych Depression) and the Caspain and Black Seas. It is bounded on the east by the Pacific Ocean, on the south by the Indian Ocean and on the north by the Artic Ocean. Given its size and diversity, Asia a toponym dating back to classical antiquity is more a cultural concepts incorporating a number of Regions and peoples than a homogenous physical entity .
The wealth of Asia differs very widely between and within each region. This is due to its vast size and huge range of different cultures, environments, historical ties and government systems. In terms of nominal GDP, Japan has the largest economy on the continent and the second largest in the world. In Purchasing power parity term, however, the People's Repulic Court has the largest economy in Asia and the second largest in the world.
After knowing these helpful facts on Asia i hope you visit i know i will
Thursday, October 15, 2009
hang out with friends:i enjoy this cause who doesn't want to be with their friends. in the outdoors or indoors doing what u feel like doing and acting the way u want to act.
pulling pranks:for who think pranks are stupid you haven't meant pranks don't aim for the environment i aim for the mind.
listening to music:music to me is calm and relaxing and if you don't know how to relax just get in a chair and listen to some music/songs you like.
playing music:i may not know how to play the instrument enjoy but at least i know how to play one.and i bet u can learn to play a instrument too if you try.
music i enjoy
i heard these songs once and i became hooked on them for years. I can't tell you what is good or not or how great these songs so just hear these songs out and hear what i hear.
Friday, October 9, 2009
History Being Made "Back in Black"

President Obama won the nobel peace prize because he did something to help establish some kind of relationship with other countries. if you go to the nobel prize website you too can see his success.
As the Norwegian Nobel Committee quoted:
Unlike his predecessors, Obama was selected not for substantive accomplishments, but for his "vision" and inspiring "hope" at the beginning of his presidency. Along with President Theodore Roosevelt won the prize in 1906, as did President Woodrow Wilson in 1919. Former President Carter had been out of office for more than 20 years when he won in 2002. This is a historic moment for all who believed in obama.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
burnin flame
is the beat the heart makes
tap tap tap is the rhythm the body creates
u listen to music but waited to play
but every chance you try there is always a delay
u listen ,study and try
but all you get is a denied
why do you even bother is what you can say
so you try every day anyway
words of others bring you down
but with that beat you can never get a frown
get that beat and play that song
the sound you make will be louder than a gong
listen to the words i say to you
never try and get pulled into the blue
Monday, October 5, 2009
word and a hand
You love your mom
You love your dad
That’s what you believe so far
You’ve been fooled all this time
You’ve found the wool from your eyes
Your mom use words
While your dad use his hands
Emotions are lost
Senses are numb
Who to believe
Who to trust
You live with what u fear most
Would words stop the rebel?
Would pain halt the free will?
Why have a burden on your shoulder
Forget the words
Forget the pain
Forget the world
And try and think about you.
Why do u lay there on the floor
And all you get is despair.
Why do you sit and cry
And all people do is stare
You look away from what was good and stand aside
While time come and take you while you’re blind
You’re alone
You’re scared
But that don’t mean to be consumed by fear
You hide fear with rage
But what are you really hiding
That fact you’re alone
Or the fact no one can see you
You wonder the realms of your mind
To remember those good times
Why fight what you are
Why fight who you are
You’re alone but your not
You hide from what was saht
You’re a sheppard without a lamb
No one to hold you from the hand.